Cancelation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Students who seek to cancel, transfer their lesson dates or change the Tutor, within the two-days period prior to the lesson date,will need to convince Tutor Trip that their ability to take the lesson has been affected by illness or serious cause such as: hospital admission, serious injury or illness, death of a close family member, victim of a traffic accident or enrolling in military service. 

Students must notify Tutor Trip for the cancellation, the transfer of their registration or change of the Tutor by email and mustattach the appropriate documentation and/or evidence. Acceptable documents may include a medical certificate, a death certificate, or a police report. 

Cancellation – If the student’s request is approved, Tutor Trip will refund the lesson fees in pursuant with Tutor Trip’s Refund Policy.  

Transfers of Lesson Date or Change of Tutor – If the Student’s request is approved, students must select a new lesson date or a new tutor within the next three- month period and this will be approved by Tutor Trip depending on availability for the selected lesson date or the new chosen Tutor. Students  who wish to transfer the lesson date or wish to change the tutor more than three months away should apply for a refund and then re-apply for the lesson. 

In case of any discrepancy and/or any dispute arising out of and/ or relating to Tutor Trip’s Terms and Conditions,Privacy Policy, Refund Policy and/or the Cancellation Policy, the Arabic version of such Terms and Conditions,Privacy Policy, Refund Policy and/or the Cancellation Policy shall prevail on/upon the versions published and/or stated therein in other languages